While wading through the crowds at FanExpo Vancouver last weekend, I was instantly drawn to Vincent Marcone’s booth as soon I caught sight of his whimsical yet macabre characters. The execution of his surreal artwork is masterful, filled with the dusty hues of another time and scratched with the patina of age. His style is rather Burtonesque, but that touch of the disturbing reminded me of Mark Ryden, and Vincent confirmed Ryden is one of his influences. This uber-talented artist is also a film maker and has just released his latest short film, The Lady Paranorma. It’s beautifully done and left me both sad and happy. I loved it!
I think my favourite piece of artwork Vincent’s done is this tree with the face. He calls him Edgar. If you’ve read Fate’s Fables, you know I’m partial to gnarly looking trees with lots of character. If you’d like this for your desktop, Vincent’s offering this one on My Pet Skeleton.com.